Mark Herrmann on keeping your client-editor happy.
30 September 2013
Every writer needs an editor. Every good writer knows this. So every good writer welcomes comments and suggestions from a thoughtful, knowledgeable editor. And when the editor happens to be your client’s in-house counsel, any lawyer-writer with half a brain will want to make that editor enjoy the relationship—enjoyment will lead to more work. (Bonus: If the editor enjoys the relationship, chances are that the lawyer-writer will enjoy it too.)
So how can the writer make the writer-editor relationship more enjoyable? Mark Herrmann has some ideas about that. So take a look at his recent article, A Tale of Two Edits. I’ve been on both sides of the writer-editor relationship. From that perspective, I think Mark is on to something.
Mark blogs regularly at Above the Law, where he often writes about the kind of writing that pleases clients (or at least the good ones), and the kind that doesn’t. He is also the author of The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Practicing Law—if you haven’t read that one yet, you should.