When to use passive voice
13 December 2011
When should passive voice be used? George Gopen can think of five instances. (Hat tip to Stephanie West Allen.)
When should passive voice be used? George Gopen can think of five instances. (Hat tip to Stephanie West Allen.)
Recycled from a comment to this post, answering the question whether it’s okay to start a sentence with a conjunction:
Of course it’s okay. I’ll take it a step further: no part of speech is disqualified as the first word of a sentence. For instance:
Noun: John kicked the ball.
Verb: Get ready.
Adjective: Dark clouds formed.
Adverb: Merrily we rolled along.
Preposition: Of course it’s okay. (It’s also okay to end a sentence with a preposition, but that’s a topic for another post.
Conjunction: And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,
keeping watch over their flock by night. (Luke 2:8, King James Version)
Oh, and you can start a sentence with an interjection too.