How to draft a judgment
Rap duel translated into legal language

CLE opportunities

If you’re a procrastinator still in need of some 2008 CLE hours, then consider signing up for Persuasive Legal Writing, a two-hour webcast seminar scheduled for December 10, 2008 from noon to 2 p.m. EST. The speaker is Prof. Timothy Terrell of Emory University Law School. Recently I saw Prof. Terrell give a presentation at the DRI Annual Meeting in New Orleans. It was excellent. Prof. Terrell is co-author of Thinking Like a Writer, which sells for a mere $25 on Amazon. (Someone apparently forgot to tell him that law books are supposed to be ridiculously expensive.)

If you’re an anti-procrastinator who likes to plan CLE way in advance, then you may want to block out May 29–31, 2009 for the Appellate Practice Institute, to be held at Northwestern Law School in Chicago. This program is being put on by the ABA Council of Appellate Lawyers. This is a hands-on CLE, sort of an appellate version of NITA. Several weeks before the seminar, participants receive a case problem and must write a brief. At the seminar, they must deliver oral argument, and both the brief and the oral argument are critiqued. I participated in this program several years ago when it was held in New Orleans. It was well worth the time and the money. It’s still too early to register, but if you visit the CAL web page, you can subscribe to the e-mailing list to receive future announcements about the seminar.
