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February 2008
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April 2008

Louisiana appellate seminar this Friday

The Louisiana State Bar Association is presenting an appellate seminar this Friday, March 28, in New Orleans, at the Sheraton on Canal Street. The theme of the seminar is “Views From the Inside.” The people providing the insider’s view will include the clerks of all Louisiana state appellate courts (including the Louisiana Supreme Court), plus at least one judge from each court. The program is here; and the registration form is here.

The most beautiful sentence I’ve ever read

On Good Friday last year, I posted this on my other blog. I thought I’d run it here this year.


“There is still something to me almost incredible in the idea of a young Galilean peasant imagining that he could bear on his own shoulders the burden of the entire world; all that had already been done and suffered, and all that was yet to be done and suffered: the sins of Nero, of Caesar Borgia, of Alexander VI., and of him who was Emperor of Rome and Priest of the Sun: the sufferings of those whose names are legion and whose dwelling is among the tombs: oppressed nationalities, factory children, thieves, people in prison, outcasts, those who are dumb under oppression and whose silence is heard only of God; and not merely imagining this but actually achieving it, so that at the present moment all who come in contact with his personality, even though they may neither bow to his altar nor kneel before his priest, in some way find that the ugliness of their sin is taken away and the beauty of their sorrow revealed to them.”

Oscar Wilde, De Profundis.

Painting by Ellen Montgomery.

The right tool for the job

Here is an article I wrote for the Winter 2008 issue of Certworthy about selecting the right font for a writing project. The skinny version:

  • For text in briefs, use a book-like font such as Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Century, Century Schoolbook, or Palatino.
  • For headings in briefs, use a bold sans-serif font such as Arial or Verdana.
  • For e-mail and other documents intended for on-screen reading, use Georgia (for serifs) or Verdana (for sans serif).
  • For drafts, use Courier. (That’s right. Courier.) After at least one pass editing in Courier, convert the document to it’s its final-form font. Then edit again.