Susan McDonald's Blawg Review
Logic for law students

JALWD Fall 2006 is on line

The Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors is the most cutting-edge legal-writing journal I’ve ever seen. It’s even better than Scribes, and that’s saying a lot.

I mention this because yesterday, ALWD uploaded the entire Fall 2006 issue on its web site. The whole shebang, a 207-page, 2.5-meg PDF, is one click away. The theme is rhetoric and persuasion; the table of contents is here.

If you want to contribute an article to the Fall 2008 issue, here’s your chance. The call for articles just came out.1 The theme for the next issue is “beyond memos and briefs.” If you have something to say on that topic, and if you’d like to say it in the premier legal-writing journal, you have until September 15, 2007 to submit your manuscript.
1 Hat tip to Legal Writing Prof Blog.
