Governor extends legal deadlines until June 15
05 June 2020
Yesterday, Governor Edwards issued two executive orders implementing Louisiana’s movement to Phase 2 re-opening. The one this blog is concerned with, 75 JBE 2020, continues the suspension of most legal deadlines until Monday, June 15. These deadlines include all those set by the Louisiana Civil Code, Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure, Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Revised Statutes. Liberate prescription and peremption deadlines are extended to July 5, 2020. See § 3.H of 75 JBE 2020. To download a copy of the entire order, follow this link.
In a related order, 74 JBE 2020, Governor Edwards relaxed some restrictions on businesses that have been in place since the start of the COVID-19 emergency. To download that order, follow this link.
The governor’s latest order, like his past orders, directs the individual courts to “continue to use due diligence in communicating with attorneys, parties to proceedings with pending deadlines, and the public how the court ... will implement and interpret” the order. So as with past orders, we’ll probably see a series of orders from the Louisiana Supreme Court and the five courts of appeal adjusting their deadlines to line up with the governor’s order. Stay tuned.